Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hello Bangels

A Bangel (Bang + Angel = "BANG - JEL") is a women who shows confidence and style on and off the range.  She does not settle for the basics - she strives to express herself in everything she does.

A few months back we thought it would be great to know our followers’ story with firearms: how they started shooting, what gun they liked the best, and who they are outside the range.  We have received over 30 applications so far.  Each week we will feature the stories of 2 – 3 ladies.

Bang's Bangels receive a special newsletter, discounts and are the first to hear when new products are available.  If you think you have what it takes to be a Bangel , you can submit your application here – provide as much or as little information as you want. A picture earns you bonus points with a bigger initial discount code and we may use your picture on our web site and blog.

With no further ado - introducing our first three Bangels:

Jennifer K. a hotel manager from Michigan got into shooting because her then boyfriend, now husband introduced her to firearms.  She now belongs to the NRA and the MichiganCoalition for Responsible Gun Owners (MCRGO).  She owns a PK380 and enjoys target shooting.

A Small Range bag is a great option for the ladies like Jamie who are looking to carry her own gear to the range.

Jamie B. is a student working on a BA in Psychology and lives in Modesto, CA.  When she is not studying, she is working for a large grocery store chain.  Jamie is fairly new at shooting, being recently introduced to the sport by her husband.    She owns a Bersa Thunder 380 and a Ruger LC9 and says most people are very surprised that she is a gun owner.   Jamie is excited to get her own range bag so she will no longer have to share with her husband.  She carries the basic: gun, ear and eye protection. When it comes to women participating in shooting, she says: “I think it is great that women are more involved with shooting sports. I think all women should learn how to shoot. It is empowering and as a woman, I feel that I want to know how to protect myself if ever needed.”

Mandy in action, complete with her awesome pink holster belt!

At 28, Mandy V. (pictured above) was encouraged by her husband to learn to shoot for her own protection.  Now she actively participates in USPSA matches wearing her pink range belt and pink Hand GunRange Duffel that Bang Bang Boutique had custom made for her!  Mandy’s most memorable moment as a firearm owner was her first USPSA match and she admires Travis Tomasie.  When not shooting, Mandy is a CT tech in Alabama.  She owns a Glock 26, AR15, and her favorite, an STI Edge.  Mandy encourages more women to pick up the sport, stating “There aren’t enough of us!”

Mandy's bag is the one featured in our webstore!

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